running day
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Guild Wars 2 Guide of Gaining Baubles in Super Adventure Box
New dungeon of Guild Wars 2, Super Adventure Box has been updated on April first. Did it recall your childhood memory? Did you indulge in the scene you watching Television when you were young? This article offers a guide of gaining baubles by tracing Bee Dog for your reference. Get pleasure from it and have fun.
In World one-1, you will meet numerous monsters referred to as Bee Dog in a place. Bee Dogs rush for baubles anxiously, flinging off right after being attacked. It reminds me that bees will return after they get baubles. So there must be lots of honey in the honeycomb.
Now, let's count lock gates. This really is the first gate we met since picnic ground. Get in!
Keep moving after you pass the very first gate, then the 2nd gate will show up. Please pass it ASAP.
The third gate appears as soon as you pass Gate Two, PASS!
Moving on, you will see lots of beautiful yellow flowers over there & now you could try to find Bee Dogs.
Bee Dog will gather honey anxiously after you touch it. Bee dog will step on honey and you ought to follow it all of the method to honeycomb.
Following Bee Dog to pass a cave, you're in a further place.
Boss Bee Dog Queen will show up as long as you kill all monkeys and snakes there.
Bee Dog Queen has 2 tricks, Spin and Bee Saliva.
The Guild Wars 2 gold game will be easy as lengthy as you evade these two tricks and you can use V to evade. You could gain 20 Baubles after you beat Queen. Moving towards a minimal cave, you will see a yellow honeycomb. I got 23 baubles when I completed.
In Total 43 Baubles
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Sunday, April 7, 2013
Hot topic of taking the R out of RPG
Yeah, the topic of "Taking the R out of RPG" is hot debated in Guild Wars 2 Guru for a long time. Here we'll go and see how players think about it:
Some players insisted that we should take the "role" out of "Role Playing Game". They thought that the idea of different classes predates the holy trinity, and it really has its basis in pen-and-paper RPGs where you actually rolled your class and your attributes. There is the illusion of roles, but since everything is interchangeable, they aren't any real defining differences.
Some may be able to do something better than others, but everyone can do the same thing. They feel that the lack of really different classes should take away from the team play of the game.
How do you feel about the abandonment of specific classes being able to do specific things other classes can't do - which was a natural part of the old school pen and paper RPGs and which is lacking in GW2 gold? Do you think that it could still be fun, if not MORE fun, to have other classes do things that are inherent to their class only and still leave the healing the way it is in GW2?
But others thought that RPG is mainly about the story and being able to adjust the character to your liking - to play a certain role. The Trinity system really kind furthered your role-playing as you could be this legendary DPS, skilled healer or an unshakable tank. In GW2 it's a blend of it all, but mostly DPS specs prevail. And they think that GW2 is just as good of an MMORPG as it would've been with the trinity setup but hey, it's a matter of preference.
And they also not considered that a class's function in a combat group an element of the "R" in "RPG". This sort of class role exists in shooters, RTS and any game with some sort of team focus and/or class dynamic. Hell, even Angry Birds have combat roles as that. I disagree with our good OP on this level. It does fit in to an extent, but it's a little more than insignificant for me at least. They think that what is lacking from the classes is a deeper feel of playing the role they're supposed to be playing.
However, I think that the rules are still useful in the game only they're not tied to a class in this game. That doesn't mean every class is the same, apart from its own identity and game mechanic class also has some differences. An elementalist are very adaptable having at their disposal many varied skills in any situation. Necromancers are masters of conditions, they can exploit the conditions of allies for greater effect, guardians are better at support, thieves are great at the hit and run tactics etc.. There is a small distinguishing factor between the classes but nothing major that forces players in a class because else they loose out.
And gw2 takes the role out of roleplay, I think it gives it in the hands of the players to do with it as they choose rather than box them in specific stereotypical choices.
What's your view on this topic? If you do not have the suitable, you can refer to buy Guild Wars 2 gold for help. We can provide you the cheapest items.
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Thursday, March 28, 2013
Guild Wars 2 update adds new quests, characters, & World v World adjustments
Guild Wars 2's ongoing "living story" series of escalating quests got a lot livelier yesterday with the launch of THE RAZING. I'm positive it is nothing to worry about, it's possibly just a immense barbecue or something - oh wait. No, it says here a "hybrid army" calling themselves the "Molten Alliance" has erupted from portals of flame in the Shiverpeaks and they're "wiping out all resistance."
The molten attack will add a bunch of new missions to the open world in the Shiverpeaks. You can do quite a few counter-espionage for The Vigil, the Order of Whispers are doing secretive biz in the Black Citadel plus the Consortium are building a refugee aid program in Southsun Cove. The most current episode in the ongoing Fire & Frost saga ushers in a couple of new characters, Braham the Norn & Rox the Charr, who get their own playable story instances to convey hello.
The most current update also makes a bunch of World vs. World alterations, adding new ranks that could be swapped for titles and WvW-exclusive skill-sets. Evaluate our interview with Guild Wars 2 gold WvW designers Mike Ferguson and Matt Witter for more on Arenanet's thinking behind the update.
The Razing also makes loads of balance alterations and bug fixes. You will find the full list in the patch notes on the Guild Wars 2 site.
Learn More about gw2 gold Here:
Friday, March 22, 2013
What about Pistol-Pistol Thief in PVP in Guild Wars 2?
As we all know Thief is a kind of class that relies on initiative while other classes rely on CD of their skills. Thief gets 12 points of initiative recovering 1 point a second. Every Thief weapon skill requires initiative, however, they don't have CD, which allows Thief to use them any time during his deadly attacks. Thief is also born with a gift of Stealing that brings him a useful weapon related to the type of the Thief’s enemy. Meanwhile, Thief’s dual skills make him stand out, depending on the combination of weapons worn on the left and right hands.
Today, we are going to have a talk about PVP Pistol-Pistol Theif’s performance in PVP.
Weapon Sets: PVP Pistol-Pistol&Shortbow, PVP Harpoon&Gun-Spear
Skills: Sneak Attack, Body Shot, Unload, Head Shot, Black Powder, Hide in Shadows, Shadowstep/Shadow Return, Shadow Refuge, Haste, Basilisk Venom.
Primary Stats
Health 14095 (+3290) Vitality 1245 (+329)
Armor 1980 (+0) Toughness 916 (+0)
Attack 3334 (+1389) Power 2254 (+1338)
Critical Hit 49% (+45%) Precision 1860 (+944).
Secondary Stats
Condition Damage 150 (+150)
Condition Duration 25% (+25%)
Critical Damage 58% (+58%)
Damage 1080 (+5%)
Defense 1064 (+0)
Steal Recharge Rate 15% (+15%)
Runes, Sigils, Accessories& Jewels
Rune Bonuses
PvP Rune of the Scholar
Power: 25
Critical Damage: 3%
Power: 50
Critical Damage: 5%
Power: 90
+10% damage while health is above 90%.
Rune Stat Totals
Power 165
Critical Damage 8%
Accessory Totals
Critical Damage:20%
Weapon Set 1 PVP Pistol- Pistol (Sigil of Superior Air+ Sigil of Superior Bloodlust)
Weapon Set 2 PVP Shortbow(Sigil of Superior Fire)
Sigil of Superior Air
30% chance to cause a lightning strike on a critical hit. (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 5 seconds)
Sigil of Superior Fire
30% chance to cause flame blast on critical hit causing AoE damage. (This effect cannot trigger more than once every 5s)
Sigil of Superior Bloodlust
Guild Wars 2 gold players gain +10 power each time you kill a foe. (max 25 stacks and ends on down or weapon change)
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Guild Wars 2 Tweak Guide
Guild Wars 2 does not run particularly well for countless people. In spite of it looking astounding and having comparatively forgiving demands at a specification level, it may be choppy at times even for the finest of rigs, with framerates only getting horribly worse during dragon encounters or World versus World. In this guide we take a consider Guild Wars 2's graphic settings, along with the Nvidia Control Panel to maximise your Guild Wars 2 gold games performance without compromising on look. Please bear in mind that these are settings which have worked especially well for me and are as a result of hours of tinkering and experimentation. Even all through sizeable scale fights my frame rates still drop like a stone (to around 25/30) though throughout the vast majority of my play remain at 60. Dependent on your Computer there is really the potential to merely hit "Greatest Look" & save yourself any trouble, nevertheless for those that do not mind a setting reading as medium (even when your PC is powerful) this does work wonders.
Current Process
i5 2500k overclocked to 4.5ghz
8gb DDR 3 at 1333mhz
Nvidia 560ti Twin Frozer
120gb SSD (with only Guild Wars 2 installed on it)
Windows seven 64 Bit Edition
Nvidia Control Panel
I would suggest that you do not select "let the 3D application make a decision" in the Nvidia Control Panel. Instead, it's better if you take control & amend much of the settings. Below are 2 screenshots showing my settings. I'd advise that you copy these and where your program surpasses mine, you can freely increase the anti-aliasing.
In Game Alternatives
Where in game alternatives are concerned, there really is no requirement to quickly level everything to "high" or "ultra". While we all like to think our programs are astounding, in a good deal of respects (and without doubt in Guild Wars 2's case) there is no noticeable difference between medium/high, or high/ultra with the exception 1 will be more CPU or GPU heavy. I've provided a breakdown of each alternative beneath.
Animation - Medium
Animation determines water and model motion. I have realized no discernable distinction between medium or high, though models and their clothes are noticeably stilted on low.
Anti Aliasing - None
Anti Aliasing smooths out the edges of objects, removing shard edges. Without Anti-Aliasing (or FXAA as it is known in game) the game & characters look extremely harsh. But, because I use SMAA from SweetFX which is less processor intensive, there's no requirement to have this turned on.
Environment - Medium
This really is extremely much GPU dependent and determines the amount of detail for terrain, props and decals. I have acknowledged no difference between Medium/High so have selected to lower it to medium based on my WvW activity.
LOD Distance - Low
This choice will be especially subjective as it determines the distance which rendered objects transition by way of detail (a insignificant like "pop up"). This could bother many men and women to have trees or objects materialize into their true form once you get near, in spite of this for myself and once more coming back to WvW it removes any unnecessary strain on my computer.
Reflections - Terrain & Sky
Having this off will improve your frame rate although my PC runs comfortably with it on. When I'm entering WvW I turn it off complete on account of the substantial body of water in the mists. Having Terrain & Sky on will only show sky & terrain in surface reflections (fairly self explanatory).
Textures - Medium
Textures controls the resolution at which textures in the game world are displayed. I have noticed incredibly minor visual differences between medium & high, although it is noticeably noticeable from low to medium.
Render Sampling - Native
This determines the resolution at which the gw2 gold game is rendered. Render Sampling is considered common, with sub-sample causing a blurry mess (lower resolution) and super sample rendering at a further resolution than the display. It's fairly pointless choosing anything other than Native.
Shadows - High
The differences between high & medium shadows is exceptionally minor. You could stand in a single location and when altering the options, would struggle to see the difference. I chose high here, but nearly always adjust it to medium dependent on the setting.
Shaders - Medium
Shaders figure out the quality of shader effects such as wind and lighting. There is a noticeable distinction between medium and high, even so 1 that basically appears distinct - not noticeably uglier, therefore why I decide upon medium.
Post Processing - Low
Post Processing is an odd setting in Guild Wars 2 and creates a darker display image when on high as well as a slightly brighter 1 on low. The principal differences between low & high are glows around street lamps & many other ambient sources which on low, is more than pleasant adequate (& not over baring).
Finest Texture Filtering - Off
I've heard a number of reports that best texture filtering uses more frames per second than it will need to and without any visual distinction with it on, I keep it turned off.
Depth Blur - On
This is entirely private & based merely on the fact I like the effect it gives (it blurs everything far away). In WvW I have a tendency to turn it off and would happily term it off permanently for the couple of times I acknowledge its effect.
High Resolution Character Textures - On
Similarly to Depth Blur, this really is individual taste and one dependent on what part of the game I'm playing. This does not impact your own character however the NPC's & players in the game world. If you do not care how someone's armour looks (I do!) just turn it off.
Vertical Sync - On
For any Computer this is demanding, however without it on will cause screen tearing. Having this turned off saves a fair volume of frame rates, however it is an acquired taste in the event you can cope without it. The truth you've turned on Tripple Buffering in the control panel takes the edge off any frame rate drop.
SweetFX is a 3rd party program that offers a visual impact overlay on the game you are playing. There is a amazing guide to working with it here. Though not officially supported by ArenaNet, it has never been prohibited dependent upon it applying graphical tweaks only. The reddit thread I've just linked gives a large number of quotes confirming this as well as details on the way to install it. The only alternative modify I make when making use of SweetFX over that of the Redditor is having "Vibrance" turned on and set to 0.four which makes the colours of the game world really pop.
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Saturday, March 16, 2013
Join the PCGamesN guild in Guild Wars 2
The head start for pre customers has begun, servers went live at 5am GMT. The servers are coping well with a lot of connectivity complications here and there but the majority are currently exploring what Tyria has to offer. If you're playing Guild Wars 2 gold, why not join the PCGamesN guild?
We are located on the EU server "Gunnars Hold" which is currently kicking ass in WvWvW! In case you need an invite to the guild send a pm/mail to "Falco Darkwind" and we will set up a few community events in the near future. Soon we will have our very own Guild N page where you can keep up to date with the guild plus the day to day lives of its members.
Exciting stuff indeed, see you all in Tyria!
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Guild Wars 2 Complete Dagger Gallery
Not satisfied with the way your present Guild Wars 2 dagger looks? Well, you are in luck as Dulfy has a complete Guild Wars 2 dagger gallery showing you high-res images of all the Guild Wars 2 gold games available daggers & where to get them. Basically apply the Transmutation stone to change the appearance of your existing dagger to any other dagger that better suits your visual style.
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