What can one write about this game?
Every issue and every webpage of the World Guild Wars 2 has been tested. There were consistently top marks. You can see that even at the Metacriticwert of 90 out of 66 tests. According to the experts, so it is the best MMO in recent years and one of the best Games in 2012.
When the
gw2 gold players the reactions are mixed. Many criticize the alleged lack of content and the motivation, once the stage was reached the 80th Others have been disturbed at the ArenaNet's philosophy that the level is not so central in classic MMORPG and can be leveled so right fix. Who Levelt happy encounters, supposedly up against limits.
In the initial phase were also technical problems such as with the auction house or logging on. At times, even on the servers lag was present. However, this has placed quickly and is now no longer an issue. Even at events with crush it is playable. Stampede in GW2 is on the order 100 players or more. Events with 30 others to make one, simply for everyday bread.
For game mechanics, the events and the classes I'm going to write anything. This has been described in detail in each of the really over 60 experiments, what is different now. Who wants to read a good test is to switch to 4players. There, everything is very well demonstrated.
Just a few words to the basics: Some of the criticism was heard that GW2 is not very complex (due to fixed weapon skills and only 5 selectable slot Skills). This is definitely not the case. Like any MMORPG you have better deal even further into it, what the traits which weapon suits them and which attributes. All classes are more efficient ways to play the character, and these differ in part significantly.
The event I like the big chains generally good and even now I run again to new. However, there's still some that are buggy and often times get caught, the number of them has been reducing steadily. In order to enjoy events, however, one should listen to the dialogues and mitkriegen so the sometimes funny stories that came up with ArenaNet. There is no lack of humor. And also comes with the stories atmosphere.
Content for:
I was with my first char 110 hours, until I was on lvl80. I am by no means an MMORPG beginners and levele not sure about slowly. One can safely rushing and also do it in half the time. Furthermore, my story was (the only quest in GW2) not over yet and I had seen gerademal 50% of the map. Gecraftet I had barely. And until then, I had spent only 5 hours in WvW. So me lvl80 100 hours has engaged in PVE. Also on lvl80 I had previously never bored. I want to make all the dungeons, to end the story, exotic full gear, a profession learn (but with other chars) and WvW operate properly. For me, content is still months ahead of me.
For whom is GW2:
For the casual, who likes to play a bit, but barely has time. Without the subscription you can as long as your time as you want. For him, the game will provide content for months, even if it does only PVE.
For many players, who have more time and would like in the game deepened. He will have his char gemaxt quickly and at higher goals try as the highest PVP rank, Dungeon Sets, Legendaries. For him, the game is perhaps a month New available, then the inevitable grind is like in any MMORPG. The regular clients (such as Halloween, Christmas, etc) will motivate him but still.
Actually, only WoW players are out of place, looking nothing else than a wow2. GW2 is too much different. These are bitter disappointment, when nothing is known of the world and GW2 not as the hand takes, as does WoW. For them it is just chaos, what is happening in a Dungeonrun in GW2. These kind of players are the only ones for which it is not worth the 40 Euro for GW2.
Unfortunately, I have to, however, that for me as a decisive
buy guild wars 2 gold player in DAoC WvW missing: An equivalent to the RA, which make the Char-in WvW matters more. So I see the long-term motivation in WvW somewhat compromised. Moreover, there is no mass event like Relic raids, which weld together the server. What is not yet, but it can come.
For me, fits the 90th vote It's a good game, which makes things a little differently and will not, despite the courage punished. Outstanding is the price / performance ratio that has no equal. GW2 will be copied in many aspects of future MMORPG, definitely the dynamic event system.
With the most important thing is: It's a real MMO. They play together all the time with others in all areas are always players, they help each other and is also without guild groups for dungeons. Remember the real. To the classicism of the MMO (EQ1, DAoC and WoW Classic) and less of the newer MMO that plays like SoloRPG with online coercion.