Friday, November 16, 2012

Guild Wars 2 dynamic rating system makes explore endless

Dear "Guild Wars 2" players, supporters and all those friends who are concerned about the "Guild Wars 2":

"Guild Wars 2" is different from other games which the rating respecting everything, "Guild Wars 2" using the innovative dynamic rating system, the level of the gw2 gold players is no longer fixed, but changing with the environment. Dynamic level adjustment system will change according to the role and attributes of the character level area .For example, when a roles actual of level 50 reach to the area of ​​10, his attributes will automatically reduce the effective level equivalent to 10 roles. The effective level will display as green digital next to the actual level of the players,and also will display on the panel of the hero below the actual level. Changes in property values ​​will be displayed the property value in green text next to the hero panel.

Advantage of the dynamic rating system

In order to avoid the role of high-grade to kill enemies easy,and the low-level players can not get enough reward; and also avoid role to achieve high-grade lost interest in the content of low-grade and give up the exploration of these regions; system downgrade and the role of the property is still consistent with his actual level of experience and loot, but is not better than the character level and match players in the area for experience and loot.

Dynamic rating system in PvE

In PvE, the role effective levels and property values ​​will automatically reduce with the role Area. All the skills and equipment  obtained will not be affected role now, so even if the character level and the property is reduced, the contents of the map, while relatively simple, but still challenging.

Dynamic rating system in WvW
Role in WvW effective level will be automatically increased to 80, but it will not get any actual new capacity (skills) or any new equipment, the role still needs to have enough experience to unlock these capabilities or equipment. Therefore, all roles are automatically increased to the effective level of 80, but the role of the high-grade still has the advantage more than the role of the low-grade. In WvW role still can be upgraded, so players can fully upgrade in WvW 80.

Dynamic rating system structured PvP
Structured PvP, the role of the effective level will be automatically increased to 80, and will automatically get all 80 items and skills. In PvP game, the role will win the honor, and the honor values ​​can be used to unlock PvP equipment and capacity.

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