Tuesday, December 11, 2012

SWTOR Ancient Hypergate Update Warps In

A new Warzone & six new space missions lead the way.

Just in case you don't get your PvP fix with the upcoming Guild Wars 2 WvW adjustments, Star Wars: The Old Republic's own player-centric combat alterations in update 1.6 go live today. This time, it's coming in the form of the Ancient Hypergate, a brand new Warzone that pits Jedi & Smuggler alike in a battle to control a pair of energy pylons that, once activated, will route the enemy.

Also coming are six new Heroic Space Missions for level 50 gw2 gold players, giving SWTOR a bit of a boost in endgame content that folks have actually been begging for since the MMO launched. It's not particularly expansive new dungeons for the hardcore endgame raiders, but it is a start.

To be sure, as with any patch, there is a slew of bug fixes & gameplay balances that you could read about over at the SWTOR official site.

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