Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lunch with Colin Johanson

We got to see a horse in a number of Flame & Frost concept art & it got us thinking: Are we going to see mounts in Guild Wars 2?

Colin: That idea art piece for Flame and Frost [...] got put out with a guy standing subsequent or riding a horse & by the 2nd we got that put out, everyone stated "MOUNTS ARE COMING IN THIS RELEASE" and I was like "Noooo!". Thought art team, you can never do that again! I say, if we ever did do them, we would need to find something really creative and exceptionally uniquely Guild Wars 2 to make them fit in the Guild Wars 2 gold game, cause they do not honestly make sense in the world - travel is so easy, it does not genuinely fit.

Can we get you into this sack, Colin?

Colin: Did you bring a sack?

PvP is on the blacklist [of our questions], so we figured you can not know adequate about that...

Colin: I play a large amount of PvP, though I hide so no one knows who it's. Trigger it would be really embarrassing for me to go there and lose all the time and have my name show up. I'd have real trouble with the leader boards that come out - my name would show up like ten thousandth out of ten thousand.

When are guild missions triggered?

Colin: This can often be up to you, you know, giving you a chance to kinda make a decision when the guild does stuff together. The guild leader, let's say, the officers basically get the chance to just kick off content constantly for everybody.

So, basically, what you are going to have is something like the little tick boxes in the guild panel as in, like, you can assign to a rank and, say, this individual can kick off a guild mission?

Colin: Yes, that's right.

A lot of us have little guilds, we don't have 500 members and some issues to resolve could prove quite hard. Are we going to see any collaboration mechanisms set in place?

Colin: Our hope will be that [collaborations] will kinda dynamically come out of this as kind of emergent gameplay. The bounties, for example, have exclusive tiers so there's a nominal tier that you could do - even little guilds can get those - you have got three employers in three zones so perhaps 10-15 individuals can do that, a modest guild, & you could pick which tier you need to kick off based on how a variety of men and women you've got online. Possibly 1 of the things that will come out of that is "our guild is going to do the tier three bounty which takes a lot more individuals to do, so let's get 3 guilds together and our guild will kick 1 off and you will help us do ours and then you'll kick one off and we'll help us do yours" and the three guilds all work together to accomplish [it]. I think that kind of emergent gameplay hopefully will come out of that for positive. We don't genuinely know what to anticipate just since it is so difficult to test internally to see what guilds are going to do [when all this goes] live. So, some of this really is going to [emerge] when we put it out and we are just going to see how guilds interact with it & what they do and then it will help us establish what other features & additions we've got to work on.

Will alliance [cross-guild] chat be implemented a number of time?

Colin: Something we can do that will help communication across communities is often necessary.

Is there any more functionality that's going to be added to the commander book?

Colin: Most definitely there will be, that is on the list of stuff that we aren't working on presently, yet down the road we certainly wanna make that more involved, [introduce] more stuff you could do as a commander. Something that you guys can think of that are really robust community supporting tools, those are the kinds of points that we would honestly want to do this year, [that would] just make it easier to play with other folks, coordinate other individuals. The more of them we can do, it is just better of the GW2 gold game.

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