Since the last patch the Guild Wars 2 gold game has turned into somewhat unplayable. At first it was only the dragon events and we blamed the guests for the unbearable lag. Envision your high pop server in the course of meta events and then folks from other servers join in too. Lagspikes that will last up to a minute and continuous dcing seems already normal now.
What bugs me is that this also influences common dungeon raiding now. The complete group will have slight lag and one of us (at all times somebody different) will have major lagspikes that will result in a dc.
The funny thing is, while everything is frozen, the chat still works common with just a slight delay.
So what is this? Is my server (Far Shiverpeaks) too high pop plus the server cannot deal with it anymore? Does the guesting influence its performance? Did the last patch do something to the stability?
Do me a favor & don't go claiming it is my PC. I have been playing the game since day one and I never had any issues like this on any meta or wvw event despite employing max gfx settings.
I angered the clerk in a clothing store today. She asked me what size I was and I mentioned actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I purchase a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential.
Going Here:
So what is this? swtor credits Is my server (Far Shiverpeaks) too high pop plus the server cannot deal with it anymore? Does the guesting influence its performance? Did the last buy swtor credits patch do something to the stability