Tuesday, October 30, 2012

If you could add just one weapon to your class

The Paragon weapons would be a nice ranged addition to Guardian.
Thief: Dual Claws
Engineer: 2H Crossbow & Hammer
Ranger: Whip
Warrior: Katana
Mesmer: War Fan
Guardian: Dual SMASHING BOARDS (offensive shields)
Necromancer: Scythe
Elementalist: Gauntlets 

Thief: OH sword, MH or OH Whip, rifle, war fans.  2h sickle and chain. Spear.
Ranger: Staff for more spell casting druidism options.  
Ranger/Warrior: 2handed axe (A dev did say a few months back that 2 handed axes would eventually be in gw2 gold game)
Mesmer: Whip
Guardians: Halberd's
All Classes: Unarmed style combat, based on two handed weapons, that encompass hand and feet weapons.  
New sword types: Rapier's, Katana's etc.  Anything that could have a unique style apart from what sword using classes already have. To expand a play style and/or create new skills for weapon types we have already.

Or better yet, create fighting styles, something we need a certain combination of learned weapons/utility skills to unlock.  Once unlocked, it lets us select a new set of skills for that weapon.  Whole sets, not one skill here and there, lest it turn into GW1 again. 

I guess rangers with rifles is always gonna split  people  for me rifles are the absolute antithesis of what a ranger is (Anet have already said, gw2 rangers basically = tolkien's numenorians/dunedain wanderers) I very much do not want rifles for rangers  But I appreciate others do 

How come my Illusionary Duelist can dual wield pistols, but I can't? That just doesn't feel right.
Neither does holding a pistol that you can fire only once every 20 seconds.

I also think it's odd how warriors are supposed to be skilled weapon specialist, but don't have a clue on how to use a dagger.
Same goes with Engineers not being able to wield hammers. I thought Engi's were 'builders' ? If anything, the hammer should be their trademark weapon. 

Great topic my types are:
Warrior - halberd/spear (for longer ranged melee attacks) or flail (because it just suits warrior well)
Guardian - 1h hammer (just another hammer for cleric-like profession)
Ranger - Staff/Spear (melee use, maybe some spirits summoning)
Thief - Riffle (long ranged, sniper-like attacks) or flail 
Engineer - whip (it would be nice to see how they use for ex electrically loaded whip)

Elementalist - Slingshot/Darts/Crossbow (some other interesting 1h ranged weapons, scepter seems boring. Many ppl write about swords for eles, I think that it's not very good idea, eles are based on standard mage archetype, variety of speels they got is enough plus they have ability to use magical bow,hammer, shield and greatsword.)

Necromancer - Scythe (It suits necros perfectly, i was shocked why they have so little melee skills while they are very tough with their vitality and death shroud)

Mesmer - MH pistol/flail (both weapon would fit mesmer well because this class is obviously good for range attacks but it also the best melee scholar with blocks, teleportation and stealth) 

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