Thursday, January 31, 2013

Guild Wars 2: How to Reset the Server Ranking

The makers of Guild Wars ArenaNet announced a rollback of the Server Ranking for WvW game. From 1 February fight the worlds again to placements.

In the official forum for Guild Wars 2 ArenaNet announced the team to a reset of the server rankings. This step was loud announcement become necessary because many Guild Wars 2 gold players decided to end the free world transfers out for new home worlds. The developers of Guild Wars 2 will use the rollback also be used to test the formula for calculating the votes again. Information about any adjustments to follow.

In the announcement for resetting the server ranking is also broken down, run like the reset is:

We phase out the current line-up opponents. Since the free transfers available during the first part of this inventory, were we do not want to count the new ranking.

If the installation on Friday 1st Expired in February, we present the final vote, and ranks in the forum. The new arrangement will be deciding the grouping of the next line-up, as usual.

After the start of the new structure on 1 February we will all reviews (as well as deviations and measuring volatilities) back behind the scenes.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

ArenaNet Developer Livestream

On January 17th, programs designer Matt Witter,Guild Wars 2 gold game designer Jonathan Sharp, & lead content designer Mike Zadorojny will be hosting a livestream chat on Twitch to discuss the game's design together with chat about a number of topics present in the community. The stream begins at noon PST and, after a brief break, will continue at two pm for a Q&A session dependent on questions submitted on the official forums. These developers play a huge role in the design and development of the gw2 gold game, so you absolutely are going to want to tune in to hear the insight they must offer.

Keep in mind they haven't posted the actual thread that they will be working with to pull questions from but, but we'll keep an eye out and update you all when it's up.

Check This Out:

Monday, January 21, 2013

Guild Wars 2: How bad is the "dead mid-level zones" problem?

Are most of the dynamic events doable solo if you happen to be the only one there?  Do there tend to be a few people there doing whichever events are active, but just not nearly as many as launch?  Or are you faced with having to skip most of the content if you don't go form your own group manually?

There's always a few people around. Like 70 - 80% of the DEs scale down to soloability. If you send a message out in zone chat when a larger DE is up, you can usually get a few to come rock it.

Late at night and early morning tend to be more difficult times to find people. This is also coming from someone on Jade Quarry which is a pretty darn populated server.

A good chunk of the events are soloable in this gw2 gold game. However there are a few events that will be displayed as "group" events such as slaying champion mobs, or the climax of a long DE chain. However if these events fail such as the final DE in the chain then the failure event chain kicks in.

All in all, I think there is very little you will miss out if you can't complete some events. Sure it may suck you can't complete the final chain, but I've never had issues with people rallying for the larger chains.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Guild Wars 2 will feature guest-end of January 2013

ArenaNet Announces Guild Wars 2 on the "play as guest" function. The host function appears on 28 January 2013 in Game

ArenaNet Announces Guild Wars 2 at the imminent arrival of the "game as a guest" function. With 28 for the January 2013 update of the planned host function comes into play. That you may be the option to play as a guest to a different world from their own homeworld.

The host function has some limitations. The guest feature is only for worlds in the same region where the home world is located, are available. Guest gw2 gold players must play each on two different worlds as a guest. The decay time is 24 hours. Participation in WvW's guest-world not possible.

With the introduction of the guest feature the free world transfers are abolished. Thus ensures that its 28th before January 2013 on the home world is, you wish to play on the longer term. From 28 January 2013 is for a world transfer fee to a gemstone. The amount of the fee gemstone is then determined by the population of the world, in which you wish to transfer. The higher the population number the higher the cost.

Further details on the host can function and the conditions for the guests found their post on the official website.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Class Guide Will Help Game Enthusiasts, Says the net Site

ArenaNet, the developer of best Immensely Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) Guild Wars 2, received positive evaluations after publication of the game. Guild Wars 2 is considered as 1 of the biggest competitor of World of Warcraft.

Guild Wars 2 Class guide offers an in-depth insider tricks to help gaming enthusiasts play game with no difficulty. This guide encompasses everything; whether player is seeking introductory guidance or wants to speed up levels. Class guide is professionally written advice with HD format and images. Users of the game can speed up levels and conquer the gw2 gold game by means of this guide.

Guild Wars two Class Guide will help gaming enthusiasts by way of Guide for Beginners, Guide for PVP (Player Vs Player) , Guide for Cooking, Guide for Speed up leveling in Guild Wars two, Guide for Dynamic Events, Guide to improve a Method & Guide for crafting. Newbie can speed up leveling, then again, introductory material is accessible which provides an idea about gaming.

Guild Wars 2 class guide is an precise strategy to cover suggestions & tricks used in conquering the Guild Wars 2 gold game. Quite a few guides expire shortly due to insufficient data for players. GW two class guide is one of the finest approaches to enhance gaming experience.

Game players can download the Super Guildwars two Approach Guide.

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Guild Wars 2:Preview soon improved

You may have noticed that it is now possible to preview armor from another class than your character (in short, your warrior, who wears heavy armor and wants to become a little more feminine, not can not see what makes the armor very light and tight-as-could carry a Mesmer. pity). We did not know if it was a final update, or a bug that could cause this effect.

It is actually a bit of both, puisqu'ArenaNet confirms work on improving overall system preview, and it would avoid possible bugs that could cause it. Stéphane Lo Presti, the message below, gives us an explanation for the emergence of this "feature subtracted"

This is a known bug temporary. For an explanation, we had to temporarily disable the preview armor of a class other than your part of an overall improvement in the armor preview. We are working on an update of the whole system.

We intend to temporarily remove the preview armor to solve problems and improve functionality. So now, you can not preview the armor apart from those of your own profession, but it is only a temporary situation while we are working on updating the system.

We sincerely appreciate and thank you for your patience while the team is working on this feature.

Buy guild wars 2 gold at here:,1119548.html

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Lead Designer in the online worlds interview

Guild, a fansite for the top MMORPG Guild Wars 2, today published an interview with Isaiah "Izzy" Cartwright, lead designer of ArenaNet.

Matches captivate again before the screen, ArenaNet published regularly since release updates that will enhance the gaming experience in their fantasy MMORPG Guild Wars 2 gold. But to the disappointment of some players long-awaited game features are still not integrated into the game. For the reason to have our colleagues on online worlds Isaiah Cartwright, Lead Designer at ArenaNet caught, and asked him some questions about the upcoming updates.

Most questions will be asked about it and the crafting guilds, such as whether guilds can look forward to guild halls or why ArenaNet chose the Guild backpacks and shoulder has dropped. Who wants to read the questions to the crafting system and the full interview can do so on the fan of online worlds. Integrates what ArenaNet ultimately everything, reveals only the time.