Saturday, January 5, 2013

Lead Designer in the online worlds interview

Guild, a fansite for the top MMORPG Guild Wars 2, today published an interview with Isaiah "Izzy" Cartwright, lead designer of ArenaNet.

Matches captivate again before the screen, ArenaNet published regularly since release updates that will enhance the gaming experience in their fantasy MMORPG Guild Wars 2 gold. But to the disappointment of some players long-awaited game features are still not integrated into the game. For the reason to have our colleagues on online worlds Isaiah Cartwright, Lead Designer at ArenaNet caught, and asked him some questions about the upcoming updates.

Most questions will be asked about it and the crafting guilds, such as whether guilds can look forward to guild halls or why ArenaNet chose the Guild backpacks and shoulder has dropped. Who wants to read the questions to the crafting system and the full interview can do so on the fan of online worlds. Integrates what ArenaNet ultimately everything, reveals only the time.

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