Thursday, January 31, 2013

Guild Wars 2: How to Reset the Server Ranking

The makers of Guild Wars ArenaNet announced a rollback of the Server Ranking for WvW game. From 1 February fight the worlds again to placements.

In the official forum for Guild Wars 2 ArenaNet announced the team to a reset of the server rankings. This step was loud announcement become necessary because many Guild Wars 2 gold players decided to end the free world transfers out for new home worlds. The developers of Guild Wars 2 will use the rollback also be used to test the formula for calculating the votes again. Information about any adjustments to follow.

In the announcement for resetting the server ranking is also broken down, run like the reset is:

We phase out the current line-up opponents. Since the free transfers available during the first part of this inventory, were we do not want to count the new ranking.

If the installation on Friday 1st Expired in February, we present the final vote, and ranks in the forum. The new arrangement will be deciding the grouping of the next line-up, as usual.

After the start of the new structure on 1 February we will all reviews (as well as deviations and measuring volatilities) back behind the scenes.

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