Sunday, December 30, 2012
The Debrief - Awards 2012 Video Games
Debrief last year, so it takes a quite special, whatever common this season: a debriefing of 12 months with 6 play video games rated among the press and acclaimed by the players. What catch up if one of them is not part of your collection!
Guild Wars 2
Expected since many years, Guild Wars 2 is definitely the massively multiplayer role-playing game of the year (well, y 'has not been that much). In detailed and diverse environments,Guild Wars 2 gold players embody six races unite to fight against a common threat. Many good ideas are a breath of fresh kind that turned around in circles. Available on PC and Mac.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Game designer talked about the class balance of Guild Wars 2
Guild Wars 2 game designer Jonathan Sharp published a blog about the class balance, in which he talked about the design ideas of game class balance and various game class design direction.
He said that:
Class balance philosophies
We normally try to employ metered and controlled balance changes with each pass, rather than huge reductions or improvements to classes. We want to get all classes on the same playing field, and we want to avoid “whack-a-mole” style balance. HUGH increases and HUGE decreases lead to meta instability, and thusly, we try to make multiple small tweaks rather than putting in massive changes that we have to later correct.
When designing and balancing the classes, we try to make sure that class roles and identities stay intact. So, in doing so, we make sure that there are rules and boundaries outlining the capabilities and weaknesses of each class.
We want the Warrior to be capable of good melee damage in a sturdy body. They can still do some decent damage at range, but they aren’t as good at it as the Ranger (with their pet). They have a hard time taking enemy boons down, and instead, have to just go through them with raw force. They may have a hard time with enemy conditions, and may need to ask for ally help in order to keep themselves free of hampering conditions.
The Guardian is a heavy armor class who relies on boons to make up for their low levels of innate health. They focus on area control and punishing enemies for the position on the battlefield. We want them to feel very powerful when their boons are active, but if those boons are removed, they will start to feel pressure. They can remove conditions more easily than the Warrior, but share the Warrior’s need to be in melee range to dole out maximum damage.
The ranger class combines its own innate abilities with the skills of their pets. We've balanced the class around the idea that you always have a pet with you to aid in any fight. The fact that the ranger can have multiple pets allows them to combine their pets in ways that most impact the current fight. We want the Ranger to have some of the evasion enjoyed by the Thief, as well as the mobility other classes employ. The class is able to deal physical or condition damage, and it can do this in melee or at range.
The Engineer is a highly versatile class. While it doesn't have the long range capabilities of the Ranger, or the melee capabilities of the Warrior or Guardian, they are comfortable at medium ranges in most fights. They have a lot of control, and use their boons to keep themselves (and allies) alive in a fight. They can use different kits based on the situation, but this extreme versatility comes at a cost in damage on their main hand weapons.
Thieves are the masters of mobility, stealth and high single target damage. They can be very fragile if you counter their stealth with area of effects or large stacks of conditions, but they trade this fragility in order to have some of the highest burst damage in the Guild Wars 2 gold game. They are able to help allies through traps, venoms and the mobility to flank most encounters.
Mesmers rely on illusions in order to accomplish their goals. They need illusions to accomplish some of their highest damage and control, and without the illusions, they become fairly fragile. They can deal with enemy boons better than most classes, but enemy conditions can often be a problem. They share some of the stealth and mobility that the Thief enjoys, but suffer from a low health pool if you get past all their tricks.
We see the elementalist as the king of versatility. The skill ceiling for the Ele is exceptional, as the ability to leverage all four attunements at the right time is crucial for understanding the elementalist. The Ele boasts some of the best team support and control abilities in the game, as well as some great area of effect damage.
The necro boasts the highest natural health of all the caster classes, and also has death shroud to extend that life total even higher. While they don’t have some of the escape or damage reduction capabilities that other classes boast, they do have a lot of ways to win attrition fights. They have access to poison on multiple weapons, they are able to combine condition damage with raw damage, and they have multiple disables to interrupt enemy skills. Necomancers also have multiple movement disabling abilities, while allows them to chase down enemies who are low on health.
Going forward
Tank vs spike vs physical DPS vs condie DPS. We want to keep making balance changes that allow all classes to have various builds they can use. We don’t want tanks dominating the gw2 gold game, and we don’t want spike builds dominating. It’s healthy to have multiple types of builds in the meta, so we’ll be improving the balance to facilitate a healthy meta.
AOE balance. We feel that in PvP some AOE builds are too strong for the opportunity cost, and we’ll be bringing those in line in the next few patches.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Guild Wars 2 festive discounts, save your money here
Guild Wars 2 festive discounts, there are discounts Guild Wars 2 items on sale.
Today and tomorrow is the Guild Wars 2 items big discount activity, so players do not bought yet should seize this opportunity. More Guild Wars 2 gold and CD Keys are cheap for unprecedented. We also accept several payment methods such as: Paypal&Moneybookers , Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Blue card and so on), Pay safe card ,Western Union and Pay by mobile phone etc.
Here we insurance that we will delivery with 15 minutes after you finished your order. Come here to choice what you like and enjoy the amusing game.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Guild Wars 2 improvements dungeon "Fractals of mist"
ArenaNet is working on improvements to the dungeon "Fractals of fog." End of January 2013 will see a patch that bereint the re-entry problem when the connection is lost and bring a change for the fractal-step restriction.
ArenaNet made in the end of November 2012 held AMA round (Ask Me Anything) points out that some improvements are also introduced with the November update dungeon "Fractals of fog." Now the lead designer Isaiah Cartwright delivers on the official Guild Wars 2 site relevant to the planned dungeon-changes that will come into play end of January 2013.
On the one hand is working on the problem of re-entry of a group member after a disconnection. If a gw2 gold player loses connection in the dungeon, he can not join the group. Under the new system, a re-entry to be no longer a problem.
Another issue is the size levels of the dungeon and the achieved level of a fractal character. Currently, the level targeted for the group after the player with the lowest fractal level. This procedure is for the player who has not played the dungeon as often hard to find a group. The level restriction is now slightly modified, whereby a group search is simplified. There Guild Wars 2 gold players can come together with different fractal levels. The group then decides himself for any fractal level. Upon completion of the dungeon then the level of each character is increased by 1 if the selected fractal level is below or at the same level. Players that are above the level obtained, although no step increase, but karma for their help.
Further information is available in the article by Isaiah Cartwright on the official website.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
D Lottery to test new technology, broaden games
The state Lottery Commission gave approval Wednesday to a test of high-speed data technology for video lottery establishments.
The lottery's administrators & commissioners depicted it as the gate for providing new sorts of legalized gambling across South Dakota.
10 locations will be the 1st recipients of the digital subscriber lines — DSL, for brief — linking their video lottery terminals with the state agency's central computer.
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The DSL technology will permit info to be exchanged in genuine time and make doable new gw2 gold games, such as progressive slot-machine jackpots offered in casinos.
Establishment operators also may offer a number of distinctive games on a single terminal making use of the DSL connections, lottery director Norm Lingle stated.
"This really is kind of the gateway to the future for our strategic plan," commissioner Roger Novotny of Pierre mentioned.
The test project will cost the lottery an estimated $38,000.
The technology would be fitted over about six weeks in January & February, stated Clark Hepper, the lottery's new deputy director. He is spearheading the project.
If the pilot proves successful, Lingle said, lottery administrators will ask the commission subsequent December for approval to go statewide to 1,500 establishments.
Full roll-out would expense an estimated $290,000 for equipment and programming.
For the moment, the principal purpose of the DSL technology is to replace the method used by the lottery agency to check nightly on the level of everyday action played on each video lottery terminal.
The lottery's computer strategy at present gathers that details by making telephone calls to each terminal.
Lingle mentioned other benefits would be the creation of what he explained as a loyalty program and a players' club approach to track willing video lottery prospects. gw2 gold players club services & promotions mostly are provided by Deadwood casinos and other casinos all through the nation.
Jukeboxes increasingly use DSL technology rather than vinyl records or CDs, with much wider musical selections possible, Lingle mentioned.
He stated DSL "just opens the door" to future purposes that aren't attainable with dial-up communications.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Coming Soon To WvW (updated 12/14)
Wintersday is coming and along with all the other goodies there will be a few updates to WvW. Some of these changes are the result of forum feedback while others are part of our longer term plans for WvW. Here’s a quick preview of what WvW will get for Wintersday:
Advance notification of new builds (updated 12/14 – see below)
In order to allow WvW players to make good decions about siege placement, assault timing, etc. we’re adding a new build pre-announcement. This will be in the form of a message broadcast to all players some time before the current build expires. Because this notification is tied to one of the final steps in our build process, and those final steps take a variable amount of time, we won’t be able to say exactly when the current build will expire. Instead, the message will provide a window of time in which the new build will become available.
Update 12/14: This feature is still coming but due to some unforeseen technical difficulties it won’t be ready in time for the Wintersday build. We’re working to resolve the remaining issues and will turn on the new build advance notification system as soon as it’s ready.
Alt+F4 is no escape
If someone that you’re fighting disconnects during combat (via Alt+F4, killing the client process, etc.) their character will be instantly killed, death penalties will be applied, and XP & loot will be handed out as usual.
No more insta-build walls & gates
Destroyed walls and gates will now rebuild when they reach 10% health rather than on the very first repair. This means that when attackers down a wall or gate defenders won’t be able to instantly rebuild it. Walls and gates which are destroyed can still be damaged if they have any health.
Breakout events
We’ve added a new event type to WvW called Breakout events which trigger when one or more teams have been pushed completely out of a map. They’re designed both to help gw2 gold players break out of severly camped portal keeps and to provide assistance in establishing a foothold in each map. Here’s what designer Matt Witter has to say about them:
Break Out Events are special WvW events that will happen when a team has lost control of all defensive structures, not counting supply camps. An NPC commander will appear in the team’s start area and an event will start that prompts players to gather around. Once enough players are in the commander’s presence he will summon his trusty dolyak to give all allies in the area full supply. He will then lead the charge to the nearby objective and give players protection and assist with building siege to assault the objective with. Those benefits, along with a defensive boon that he applies to all nearby allies, makes the attacking gw2 gold players a force to be reckoned with. Defenders will have their work cut out for them, as once the gate or wall piece is destroyed the commander will move to the tower lord inside and attack anyone in his path.
These changes are just a small part of what the WvW team has been up to lately. As you may have already heard, we’re hard at work on some larger updates that we plan to deliver in February. We’re not quite ready to talk about the details yet but as February gets closer we’ll start to reveal more of our secrets.
Happy Wintersday and we’ll see you on the battlefield!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Hugely multiplayer online games continue to thrive in this zero cost-to-play era
Confident, tons of men and women canceled their monthly subscriptions to substantial-budget hugely multiplayer online gw2 gold games, on the other hand they're not saving that profits. Instead, gamers are shifting to free-to-play games like League of Legends & World of Tanks.
That change will stimulate a continued growth in global MMO revenues, according to economic analyst firm SuperData Research. The think-tank expects the industry, especially on the strength of zero cost-to-play, to reach $9.5 billion by 2015.
"I recognize that there is a number of debate over incorporating League of Legends [in our data] since you could only establish characters within a short timeframe & play with a more confined number of players," SuperData business development manager Sam Barberie told GamesBeat. "However for analysis and competition purposes men and women are apt to group it with MMOs, in particular because you are nonetheless building & leveling up a character. Our details come directly from publishers and developers, so it's type of a two-way street of each them & us considering a game to be MMO."
SuperData pointed toward 2012, where F2P games out-earned pay-to-play titles in all 12 months. This new model is here & it is where the money is at.
League of Legends, a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) from developer Riot Games, is the best example of how profitable free-to-play is for a number of companies. Riot sells players different skins for their characters — in conjunction with other in-game goods — to help personalize the player experience. This paired with the gw2 gold game's recognition as a competitive eSport, which is continuously bringing in new players, generates major profits for the developer.
World of Warcraft nonetheless makes more income than just about any zero cost-to-play game, but it also has pushed out all competing subscription-based titles. So while the conventional $15-a-month games have a clearer path to huge revenue gains, it's also a market that is almost impossible to crack.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
SWTOR Ancient Hypergate Update Warps In
A new Warzone & six new space missions lead the way.
Just in case you don't get your PvP fix with the upcoming Guild Wars 2 WvW adjustments, Star Wars: The Old Republic's own player-centric combat alterations in update 1.6 go live today. This time, it's coming in the form of the Ancient Hypergate, a brand new Warzone that pits Jedi & Smuggler alike in a battle to control a pair of energy pylons that, once activated, will route the enemy.
Also coming are six new Heroic Space Missions for level 50 gw2 gold players, giving SWTOR a bit of a boost in endgame content that folks have actually been begging for since the MMO launched. It's not particularly expansive new dungeons for the hardcore endgame raiders, but it is a start.
To be sure, as with any patch, there is a slew of bug fixes & gameplay balances that you could read about over at the SWTOR official site.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
GW2: Error Temple of Balthazar and the solution
As part of the latest update to Guild Wars 2 have been fixed some bugs in the straits of the devastation that led to the Temple of Balthazar could not be applied successfully. According to Ramon Domke is here but still a bug that prevents the progression of the event, however, can be fixed!
As the German Community Manager Ramon Domke confirmed on the official forums, it may at the Temple of Balthazar still get an error that may prevent progress at the event. Does the bug, it seems loud Domke, as the event was irrevocably blocked, but this is not the case.
Rather, the problem could be solved by the gw2 gold players themselves. When the error can occur exactly how this manifests itself and what to do for the other hand, the CM explained in his post as well:
Posted by Ramon Domke
Hello all together,
With the last update, we have fixed some bugs in the Strait of devastation, the players have dissuaded to take over the temple of Balthar successfully. However, there is still an existing bug that may impede the progress of events. When it comes to this error (which I explain in more detail below), it seems that the event blocked unwiederrufbar, but that is not the case and can be resolved by the players:
The error occurs in the final event of the three meta-events:
Escorted the northern Pact invasion troop commitment to the Covenant-rendezvous on Triumph Square
Escorted the southern Pact invasion troop commitment to the Covenant-rendezvous on Triumph Square
Escorted the middle Pact invasion troop commitment to the Covenant-rendezvous on Triumph Square
If the error appears to stack all the NPCs Pact troops
This bug fixes, of course, once the troops capture the attention (aggro) of hostile creatures and go into combat mode.
Due to the respawn rate in Orr, it should be possible to bring about this state very rapidly, and the event can continue to move forward.
Still some servers should have permanent competitive temple and her search for a functioning and free temple, looking for this please write now collected here in this thread. Much obliged.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Guild Wars two celebrates Black Friday with in-game sales
ArenaNet has decided to honor Black Friday with a full weekend of Guild Wars 2 in-game sales. It is a Thanksgiving miracle! We know you've been asking yourself if ArenaNet will take your money. The answer is yes -- the answer is at all times yes. Nevertheless on this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, ArenaNet will take far less of your income! On each day of the holiday weekend, three different items will be sold at a discount of up to 70% off.
Naturally, telling you what is accessible would be far too simple, so you will have to pop in-game to inspect the every day offers.
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Monday, December 3, 2012
Guild Wars 2: Compensation for many players
The "Lost Coast" event in Guild Wars 2 was for many players a bust. ArenaNet now promised compensation.
It should be one of the first major events in the history of Guild Wars 2 will be ended and for many gw2 gold players with a flop. At the event around "The Lost Coast" had the hero of Guild Wars 2 contest various phases of a mission, and for the finale, the last day of the event, meet a big boss fight. However, it helps too many disconnects, which many players at the end of the loot box could not plunder and therefore ran out empty. Of course, this was not just those affected received and led to harsh criticism. ArenaNet announced yesterday Mélanie Corolleur but the official forums that all players by connection problems had no access to the spoils of the event, to be compensated in the next week for that. Whether they wrote a ticket or not.
"Thank you for your patience while we the problem is that while the" have Lost Coast "events occurred, viewed again. We can confirm that we have all the loot was not the case, get a reward for their participation be. all affected players will get this reward, regardless of whether they have written to the service or not. Expected We work very hard at this solution and you should get in the next week your rewards via in-game mail. "
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Guild Wars 2 - Characters can be redesigned with costs now
In the online shop of the online role-playing game buy Guild Wars 2 gold now an option is available to the players can transform their characters completely, or partially.
Who be Guild Wars 2 character does not like, had been to create a new character and start the gw2 gold game from scratch to customize the look. From now on the developer ArenaNet offers in our online shop, but two new objects with which you can transform your pawn.
The first option is the so-called "self-Style Hair Kit" with which you can only change the hairstyle of his character. The kit costs 250 Gems. The second option is the Total Makeover Kit "" with which you can transform for 350 Gems his character completely. For both objects, there are quantity discounts. The Gems-currency can be bought with real money, or be erspieltes-game gold trade however.
ArenaNet but pointed out via Twitter that the new options can not be used to change the name of his character. Gives new possibilities for the characters, it is not currently as well.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Guild Wars 2 final day of Black Friday weekend sales
Select items are on sale for today only in Guild Wars 2. Mystic Forge Stones, Karma Boosters, and Black Lion Trader Express boxes are all on sale for the last day of Guild Wars 2's Black Friday weekend special.
Mystic Forge Stones are normally 5 for 250 Gems or 10 for 450 Gems but during this special they are 30% off. These stones let gw2 gold players skip putting in gear of their own when using the Mystic Forge.
View slideshow: Guild Wars 2 screenshots
Karma Boosters are usually 75 Gems each but are 40% cheaper today. These boosters increase the amount of karma gained by the player by 50% for one hour.
Black Lion Trader Express boxes are commonly 50 Gems or 5 for 200 Gems but are on sale at 60% off. These boxes let the player access a Black Lion Trader Delivery Agent in order to pick up sales anywhere in the world.
The professions of Guild Wars 2
Photo credit: ArenaNet
Guild Wars 2 Digital Deluxe Bonus Items - Mistfire Wolf and Rytlock Mini Guild Wars 2 Digital Deluxe Bonus Items - Mistfire Wolf and Rytlock Mini
Additionally, the Digital Deluxe Edition of buy Guild Wars 2 gold is on sale for Black Friday. This edition is currently the same price as the Standard Edition of the game letting new players get all the benefits of the Digital Deluxe Edition for free. This sale ends at noon PST on Nov. 26, 2012.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Reader review to Guild Wars 2: a real MMO
What can one write about this game?
Every issue and every webpage of the World Guild Wars 2 has been tested. There were consistently top marks. You can see that even at the Metacriticwert of 90 out of 66 tests. According to the experts, so it is the best MMO in recent years and one of the best Games in 2012.
When the gw2 gold players the reactions are mixed. Many criticize the alleged lack of content and the motivation, once the stage was reached the 80th Others have been disturbed at the ArenaNet's philosophy that the level is not so central in classic MMORPG and can be leveled so right fix. Who Levelt happy encounters, supposedly up against limits.
In the initial phase were also technical problems such as with the auction house or logging on. At times, even on the servers lag was present. However, this has placed quickly and is now no longer an issue. Even at events with crush it is playable. Stampede in GW2 is on the order 100 players or more. Events with 30 others to make one, simply for everyday bread.
For game mechanics, the events and the classes I'm going to write anything. This has been described in detail in each of the really over 60 experiments, what is different now. Who wants to read a good test is to switch to 4players. There, everything is very well demonstrated.
Just a few words to the basics: Some of the criticism was heard that GW2 is not very complex (due to fixed weapon skills and only 5 selectable slot Skills). This is definitely not the case. Like any MMORPG you have better deal even further into it, what the traits which weapon suits them and which attributes. All classes are more efficient ways to play the character, and these differ in part significantly.
The event I like the big chains generally good and even now I run again to new. However, there's still some that are buggy and often times get caught, the number of them has been reducing steadily. In order to enjoy events, however, one should listen to the dialogues and mitkriegen so the sometimes funny stories that came up with ArenaNet. There is no lack of humor. And also comes with the stories atmosphere.
Content for:
I was with my first char 110 hours, until I was on lvl80. I am by no means an MMORPG beginners and levele not sure about slowly. One can safely rushing and also do it in half the time. Furthermore, my story was (the only quest in GW2) not over yet and I had seen gerademal 50% of the map. Gecraftet I had barely. And until then, I had spent only 5 hours in WvW. So me lvl80 100 hours has engaged in PVE. Also on lvl80 I had previously never bored. I want to make all the dungeons, to end the story, exotic full gear, a profession learn (but with other chars) and WvW operate properly. For me, content is still months ahead of me.
For whom is GW2:
For the casual, who likes to play a bit, but barely has time. Without the subscription you can as long as your time as you want. For him, the game will provide content for months, even if it does only PVE.
For many players, who have more time and would like in the game deepened. He will have his char gemaxt quickly and at higher goals try as the highest PVP rank, Dungeon Sets, Legendaries. For him, the game is perhaps a month New available, then the inevitable grind is like in any MMORPG. The regular clients (such as Halloween, Christmas, etc) will motivate him but still.
Actually, only WoW players are out of place, looking nothing else than a wow2. GW2 is too much different. These are bitter disappointment, when nothing is known of the world and GW2 not as the hand takes, as does WoW. For them it is just chaos, what is happening in a Dungeonrun in GW2. These kind of players are the only ones for which it is not worth the 40 Euro for GW2.
Unfortunately, I have to, however, that for me as a decisive buy guild wars 2 gold player in DAoC WvW missing: An equivalent to the RA, which make the Char-in WvW matters more. So I see the long-term motivation in WvW somewhat compromised. Moreover, there is no mass event like Relic raids, which weld together the server. What is not yet, but it can come.
For me, fits the 90th vote It's a good game, which makes things a little differently and will not, despite the courage punished. Outstanding is the price / performance ratio that has no equal. GW2 will be copied in many aspects of future MMORPG, definitely the dynamic event system.
With the most important thing is: It's a real MMO. They play together all the time with others in all areas are always players, they help each other and is also without guild groups for dungeons. Remember the real. To the classicism of the MMO (EQ1, DAoC and WoW Classic) and less of the newer MMO that plays like SoloRPG with online coercion.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Guild Wars 2: Ascended: New Rarity Type
Ascended gears are necessary, as the Infusion slots can only be found in Ascended.
Players will be able to acquire Ascended Rings in the Fractals of the Mists dungeon.
Murdock said that in November, the company is adding the first level of Infusions, Ascended Rings and Back slots. More Legendary items have been promised.
Guild Wars 2 is a fantasy-based MMORPG. The story is set in the world of Tyria.
As of Sept. 13, the game's peak concurrency exceeds 400,000 players.
"We're continually fine-tuning the game to deliver the polished experience that our gw2 gold players expect, and we're already working on new adventures and experiences to introduce into this truly dynamic online world," said Mike O'Brien, president and co-founder ArenaNet, in September.
Buy guild wars 2 gold cheap at here now.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Guild Wars 2 dynamic rating system makes explore endless
Dear "Guild Wars 2" players, supporters and all those friends who are concerned about the "Guild Wars 2":
"Guild Wars 2" is different from other games which the rating respecting everything, "Guild Wars 2" using the innovative dynamic rating system, the level of the gw2 gold players is no longer fixed, but changing with the environment. Dynamic level adjustment system will change according to the role and attributes of the character level area .For example, when a roles actual of level 50 reach to the area of 10, his attributes will automatically reduce the effective level equivalent to 10 roles. The effective level will display as green digital next to the actual level of the players,and also will display on the panel of the hero below the actual level. Changes in property values will be displayed the property value in green text next to the hero panel.
Advantage of the dynamic rating system
In order to avoid the role of high-grade to kill enemies easy,and the low-level players can not get enough reward; and also avoid role to achieve high-grade lost interest in the content of low-grade and give up the exploration of these regions; system downgrade and the role of the property is still consistent with his actual level of experience and loot, but is not better than the character level and match players in the area for experience and loot.
Dynamic rating system in PvE
In PvE, the role effective levels and property values will automatically reduce with the role Area. All the skills and equipment obtained will not be affected role now, so even if the character level and the property is reduced, the contents of the map, while relatively simple, but still challenging.
Dynamic rating system in WvW
Role in WvW effective level will be automatically increased to 80, but it will not get any actual new capacity (skills) or any new equipment, the role still needs to have enough experience to unlock these capabilities or equipment. Therefore, all roles are automatically increased to the effective level of 80, but the role of the high-grade still has the advantage more than the role of the low-grade. In WvW role still can be upgraded, so players can fully upgrade in WvW 80.
Dynamic rating system structured PvP
Structured PvP, the role of the effective level will be automatically increased to 80, and will automatically get all 80 items and skills. In PvP game, the role will win the honor, and the honor values can be used to unlock PvP equipment and capacity.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Guild Wars 2: Three Invite Friends
ArenaNet also opens the door to free trial of Guild Wars 2. From November 12, you can invite three friends to try the gw2 gold game and the new update The Lost Shores in a totally free. Of course, the probationary period will be limited to days that will go from November 15 to November 18. ArenaNet announce further details shortly.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Guild Wars 2 - News for "The Lost Coast" update
ArenaNet has already confirmed that in November a large content update is pending in Guild Wars 2, and after the Halloween event are also several references in Tyria, find, for example, numerous posters in Lowenstein. Now there are more information from official sources, therefore is "The Lost Coast" on 16 November launch by 21 clock (our time) with an event in Lowenstein.
While we wait for more information and the event itself, the official website of buy Guild Wars 2 gold already indicated the way to even more content for December.
In the sea of suffering stirs something - and we want to ensure that you do not miss it. So you can plan ahead before, we have the (spoiler-free) schedule for you:
On Friday the 16th November by 21 clock CET (12 clock PST), the weekend starts with an event in Lion's Arch, which will also trigger further events in other regions of Tyria. Missed this event in any case!
On Saturday, 17 November by 21 clock CET (12 clock PST), the next phase begins.
Each stage will be opened with a special event. Should you miss the beginning of the event, however, so you can also play gw2 gold additional content afterwards. With one exception:
The event culminates on Sunday, 18 November. In a grand finale that you should not miss under any circumstances It is a unique event chain that starts at 21 clock CET (12 clock PST) and will take several hours. As I said, this event is only held once, so be definitely there! Many other contents are retained even after the event finals on Sunday still playable.
We will provide further information prior to the event for you available, but wanted to warn you before, so you can plan accordingly.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Guild Wars 2: More than 10,000 disabled bot accounts in recent weeks
We recently reported that Guild Wars 2 will hit apparently by a veritable invasion of the bots. In the official forum to game director Colin Johanson took recently now is the time to once again enter into detail on the subject and to inform about the current status in terms of bots.
In his article explains Johanson, you've recently set a completely new team, which is responsible for the bot-destruction. This team had everything already under way to "the" botting ", hacking, spamming and malicious behavior in Guild Wars 2 eliminated."
In recent weeks, more than 10,000 bot accounts have been closed. Addition, we have also improved account security significantly. Through the two-factor authentication and password change in the number of account thefts had decreased dramatically. Many of the stolen accounts were used to include Bots can run.
In the coming weeks, in addition, further improvements are planned, which will help to stop bots to check and remove. The aim was here that the information on the bots to be 100% clear, so it could not happen, that an account will be locked out due to botting, is filed by the Botter contradiction and you have to return the account due to lack of evidence data. "We want to block any gw2 gold player who does not use a bot and permanently exclude those who do," said Johanson.
The team was aware that they could do more in terms of bots and must. Finally Johanson promises in his speech that gw2 gold players would experience over the next few weeks serious improvements in this area. We keep you on course with us to date as soon as there is more news on this topic!
ArenaNet CC Meike presented in the official forum a German translation by Johanson available, which you can read on page 2 of this article!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
If you could add just one weapon to your class
The Paragon weapons would be a nice ranged addition to Guardian.
Thief: Dual Claws
Engineer: 2H Crossbow & Hammer
Ranger: Whip
Warrior: Katana
Mesmer: War Fan
Guardian: Dual SMASHING BOARDS (offensive shields)
Necromancer: Scythe
Elementalist: Gauntlets
Thief: OH sword, MH or OH Whip, rifle, war fans. 2h sickle and chain. Spear.
Ranger: Staff for more spell casting druidism options.
Ranger/Warrior: 2handed axe (A dev did say a few months back that 2 handed axes would eventually be in gw2 gold game)
Mesmer: Whip
Guardians: Halberd's
All Classes: Unarmed style combat, based on two handed weapons, that encompass hand and feet weapons.
New sword types: Rapier's, Katana's etc. Anything that could have a unique style apart from what sword using classes already have. To expand a play style and/or create new skills for weapon types we have already.
Or better yet, create fighting styles, something we need a certain combination of learned weapons/utility skills to unlock. Once unlocked, it lets us select a new set of skills for that weapon. Whole sets, not one skill here and there, lest it turn into GW1 again.
I guess rangers with rifles is always gonna split people for me rifles are the absolute antithesis of what a ranger is (Anet have already said, gw2 rangers basically = tolkien's numenorians/dunedain wanderers) I very much do not want rifles for rangers But I appreciate others do
How come my Illusionary Duelist can dual wield pistols, but I can't? That just doesn't feel right.
Neither does holding a pistol that you can fire only once every 20 seconds.
I also think it's odd how warriors are supposed to be skilled weapon specialist, but don't have a clue on how to use a dagger.
Same goes with Engineers not being able to wield hammers. I thought Engi's were 'builders' ? If anything, the hammer should be their trademark weapon.
Great topic my types are:
Warrior - halberd/spear (for longer ranged melee attacks) or flail (because it just suits warrior well)
Guardian - 1h hammer (just another hammer for cleric-like profession)
Ranger - Staff/Spear (melee use, maybe some spirits summoning)
Thief - Riffle (long ranged, sniper-like attacks) or flail
Engineer - whip (it would be nice to see how they use for ex electrically loaded whip)
Elementalist - Slingshot/Darts/Crossbow (some other interesting 1h ranged weapons, scepter seems boring. Many ppl write about swords for eles, I think that it's not very good idea, eles are based on standard mage archetype, variety of speels they got is enough plus they have ability to use magical bow,hammer, shield and greatsword.)
Necromancer - Scythe (It suits necros perfectly, i was shocked why they have so little melee skills while they are very tough with their vitality and death shroud)
Mesmer - MH pistol/flail (both weapon would fit mesmer well because this class is obviously good for range attacks but it also the best melee scholar with blocks, teleportation and stealth)
Monday, October 29, 2012
Guild Wars 2 - The Mad King Thorn paralyzes the server!
As announced, the third act of the Halloween event "The shadow of the mad king" last time by 20 clock started in Lowenstein. The announcement by ArenaNet surprise was initiated by the appearance of crazy king on the grand solid Piazza in Lowenstein: A new mini-dungeon called "ascent into madness" is now at the place where once stood the magnificent lion statue. As bosses of course you can expect to Mad King Thorn personally. Previously he had last night, but first the server paralyzed, so ArenaNet including first has disabled the trading post. Is to be hoped that the rush is today and prepared ArenaNet, Guild Wars 2-servers on the finale "party" of the event.
Still, it's not Halloween, but something is wrong. The Mad King threatens to invade the land of the living! If he succeeds before Halloween, begins a new reign of terror! Will you prevent his insane plans? Is that even possible?
Rises to the madness: The stately lion statue in Lion's Arch is in ruins, and in its place now is a portal to the realm of the mad king. Forearm yourself if you decide to enter this nightmarish world of madness and joy, in the heroic fight to the Mad King still remains imprisoned and harmless.
Tags: gw2 gold;buy Guild Wars 2 gold
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Guild Wars 2 is a free upgrade, but with paying tournaments
ArenaNet and NCsoft announced with great fanfare a few days there the immediate availability of a major update for Guild Wars 2 called "The Shadow of the Mad King." Available from October 22, it brings some new .
In his statement , the editor shows all the new features introduced by this big patch, the first of which is an event dedicated to the celebration of Halloween. This takes place until 31 October and brings new minigames and dynamic events on all of Tyria.
The latter also evolve somewhat with the emergence of new vistas to unlock, new boss minidonjons with some success and more to unlock.
However, the main addition of this update is probably Tournaments players against players ... paid! Available very soon, it will pay a cost gems (the game's currency) so that your team of 5 gw2 gold players can compete to win major prizes. However, it is possible to exchange gold against his gems at a variable rate, so you do not have to get his card. Free tournaments are also available to qualify for the tournament fee.
Finally, note that the game is again available for several weeks, stockouts are now ancient history. You can also take a ride on our forum, dedicated to this topic Guild Wars 2 to share your experience.
Here is finally a video presentation of how Halloween.Buy Guild Wars 2 gold at
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria (PC)
" Dude, You're replaying Wow why are you doing this? Have you lost your dignity? Ta pride? Anyway, WoW gold has been dead for a long time, I am pure, I play on private server Vanilla me. " Signed haters lambda No. 2,531,452.
To enjoy this lively man, I made that allowed me to appreciate the true value as the Blizzard: I tested his famous private server (remember, a private server is a unofficial server, which runs through volunteer work and that it is theoretically forbidden to perform). Well you know what? Nostalgia and all that crap there, well it skews the brain. Encounter with a old wow gold game but very, standing like a giant oak high forest observing competitor before him. "
Monday, October 22, 2012
The Queue: Unbearable
dmezrahy asked:
Is it illegal to sell your WoW (or account?
It's not illegal in the strictest sense -- that is, there's no actual law against it -- but it is against the End-User License Agreement, which Blizzard requires you to legally agree to before you play the wow gold game. Some EULAs have been held up in court before as legally binding, but it's not like you'd go to jail if the cops found out you sold your WoW account. Blizzard would have to take action against you.
Dope_Danny asked:
So i've gotten 4 sigils of power for the legendary from lfr, but i wondered, since its a quest item and not on the loot table can you run lfr more than once to try and get more for the 10 total? or does it lock those out when the loot tables also locked out?
The sigils require that you loot the boss, which you can't do more than once a week.
Morgy asked:
Can I still get the Netherwing Drake? Is it still the same long grind?
You sure can. It's not so bad now -- the spawn rate of eggs was increased and (obviously) the mobs you fight will be no real challenge at 90.
forkezan12 asked:
Is there going to be a Hallow's End Guide for 2012?
There already is!
zengarzombolt11 asked:
is it logical to think that the pandarens that chose to join horde or alliance are minority?
i think the pandaren that came from the wandering isle is like less than 10% of the whole pandarens population.
Yeah, that's a safe assumption. Most of the pandaren on Pandaria are more focused on other things, like wanting to protect their homeland, than rushing off to join a foreign faction. That's why the Wandering Isle was a nice out.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria: Review
With the expansion of the Mists of Pandaria developer Blizzard Entertainment's online role-playing wow gold game World of Warcraft wants to help its former glory. This raises the question: Is there just more of the same again or really new ideas?
Kung-Fu Panda
Since the official announcement of the add-ons for World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria by many fans there was a mix of excitement and skepticism. The Blizzard for many years used as a kind of running joke Pandaren are suddenly as a playable race to choose from, which has caused many a frown. There is - at least for the moment - no great adversary that needs to be done. We knew in the past always been add-ons for the release, who would we face in the ultimate showdown (Lich King, Deathwing, etc.), there is no such nemesis in Mists of Pandaria. Bad sign? Maybe. But although some skepticism may be justified, much Blizzard Entertainment has done it right.
This starts with the back story: The long-standing conflict between Alliance and Horde, who has dominated the main wow gold game at its release seven years ago, moves back to the foreground. It ends up both factions on the newly discovered continent of Pandaria, which can be found in the south of the known world map.
Especially the first few hours spent by her with your level 85 character in the new areas are characterized by numerous battles between Alliance and Horde. Both want to claim the newly discovered land for themselves and destroy their respective opponents mercilessly. Midst of this conflict appear the peaceful Pandaren and a lot of Asian mythology. We want to go at this point is not too much detail. But Blizzard has managed to create an incredibly dense and fascinating atmosphere.
Although the intensity of the conflict subsides between Alliance and Horde with increasing playing time decreases significantly. But the spectacular natural diversity of the new areas (bamboo forests, groves full of cherry trees with pink flowers, misty moors, etc.) as well as the detail-oriented characters, buildings, and objects you can always stay in place. Just to let you enjoy too short the current view and act incredibly atmospheric music on you. It has almost a meditative.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
WoW: bug fixes and balance adjustments - Patch Notes for current hotfixes of 16 October
Blizzard's WoW-makers have reloaded new hotfixes for World of Warcraft to the live servers. Included are a number of bug fixes and class changes.
The WoW team released new patch notes for the latest hotfixes that have been posted on the WoW servers. Fixed some errors were among others in connection with various quests. In addition, there are a number of adjustments and fixes to class abilities such as "protection" of the monks.
The details of the hotfix you will find in the following patch notes. We publish our German translation of the changes. The original version of the current WoW patch notes can be found on the official U.S. website for World of Warcraft.
"Incarnation: Son of Ursoc"
Activating this ability resets the cooldown of "growl" now returns correct.
Activating this ability raises no longer incorrectly "Ursoc power," "tantrum" or "Savage Defense" on.
The activation of "Demon Slash" no longer triggers the occasional "shoot" capability from when "Dark Apotheosis" is active.
"The Birds" now properly raises the effect of "freezing traps' when damage was caused.
With "Incinerate" caused direct damage that is not critically strikes, ensures that the effect of "warming up" is removed a short time later. The delay, remove the non-critical hit "warming" has been increased from 0.25 seconds to 0.5 seconds.
"Protection" is not removed by the monk if the ox statue "protective" effect on another wow gold player character.
"Glyph of protection" no longer prevents the ox statue of the monk "protective" effect on other player characters.
"Skull Banner" and "care of the oxen" can now cast at the same time - none of the effects will override the other.
The version of "protection" without glyph is removed when a monk nearest glyph and has the new version of the spell.
The "protective" effect of a monk is now stacked with the "protective" effect of a friendly brewmaster-monk.
"Tiger noise" has no more effect on vehicles.
"Zenflug" when moving between continents is now canceled correctly.
"Space Shift" can not be used on NPCs - pets included.
The weapon enchants "Windsong" and "elemental force" lift when activated not more stealth.
"Smoke bomb" player characters will now properly protect against the "spiritual embrace" the shadowy servants in Mogu'shangewölbe.
The Feengeister accompanying the Dunkelholzfeen disappear, as intended.
The tyrant of the Shao-Tien and the Magus of Shao Tien can not be robbed of "pocketing".
Burly hairy horns in the Valley of the Four Winds should now respawn properly.
The respawn time for the nail ends in Jadewald doubt was raised.
The cooking school bell can no longer be sold to vendors.
Pet battles
Matchmaking for pet fights have been improved. The animals in the level of the two teams should now be closer to each other.
Demonology Warlock can "Elementary gang: Desire" now complete correctly.
"We go to the Spirit" can now be completed.
A bug was fixed that made sure that the quests in the sublime Heavenly Chi Ji's birthplace were always available.
wow gold players who fail in the quest "The Battle Axe of thunder king" can now restart the event.
It fixed a bug that prevented some players from the quest "Welcome to Morning Blossom" to accept.
It fixed a bug that prevented the looting of the quest object for "The War Helm of Thunder King".
Dungeons & Raids
Gara'jal the ghost binder now correctly sends the target with the highest threat to the spirit world.
Declares for Arena match teams are temporarily no longer be placed in the ring of honor.
The cutscene for stone plow farm after the completion of the related quests now play properly.
One problem associated with excavations in Sang case is resolved.
The success of "Monkey on a diet" can now be earned in the victory over Captain UUK scenario Unga Ingushetia.
Monday, October 15, 2012
"World of Warcraft" is now available with pandas
Higher Level, a new class and a new race, which sounds like a perfectly normal expansion pack for "World of Warcraft" to. "Mists of Pandaria" but would revolutionize the slightly dusty online role-playing wow gold game and provide more long-term motivation. How this would work and a trip to the world "Azeroth" is worth, we will reveal the test.
World of Warcraft Mist of Pandaria Intro
Nearly a half years ago, I played for the last time, "World of Warcraft". I spent many hours in this game, especially in the traditional "wow" and the first add-on "Burning Crusade". I left my last subscription firstly due to lack of time and on the other run for lack of long-term motivation. Just in time for the release of a new expansion pack, but I dive regularly back into the world's most successful online role playing game by far. So also in "Mists of Pandaria". Everything, as always, it is important again to discover a new world.
"Pandaria" is the new new continent that may explore an existing character with level 85th The home of the "Pandaren" has become the scene of another war between the two warring factions of "World of Warcraft", the Alliance and the "Horde". While you have to travel as a supporter of the "Alliance" on a rescue mission to the unknown continent, the orcs and trolls the "Horde" are more of a war of aggression. The story behind the conflict in Pandaria is explained at the beginning of good cutscenes and an interesting plot. As a longtime player comes quickly back out of the familiar urge to explore. The new areas of the continent are described in detail and with great attention to detail. Despite the already eight years old graphics look "Mists of Pandaria" is not outdated. The colorful and very playful, Asian world that brings the new addon to draw upon the technical complain.
New challenges
The new challenges facing the players are, the developers try to make as diverse as possible. Although you will not get around the traditional hunting and gathering missions, the trouble is some variety in the reinzubringen partially barren online role-playing everyday but noticeable. Moreover, even the more demanding low-emissions for a handful of experience points are good. For until the new level cap of 90 is reached, we have to invest a lot of time. If this goal is reached, a very important question: What now? While in the previous addon "Cataclysm" the scope for players who had already reached the maximum level rather low turned out to be just that in "Mists of Pandaria" different. Also updates that promise new challenges and raids for up to 25 players will be developed faster. Whether this will succeed, however, it will definitely only in the months to say.
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"Blizzard Entertainment" with the extension would not only serve the long-time WoW players especially new players will soon find themselves in the world to right. There are some changes in the talent system and some convenience features that makes it possible for even novice players will get their money. For beginners visual impact the new race "Pandaren" to. This rather peaceful creatures introduce a new character class. The monk is similar to the already known Druid during the game develop to hand out a lot of damage to heal his allies, or in the forefront as a battering ram to keep the opponent at bay.
Simplified talent system
To find the right talent and make his character as much as possible was complicated especially for beginners something. The great talent trees from which you had to choose his abilities, have disappeared in the new addon. The player now chooses only his specialization, so as to play as a healer and can periodically choose from three new skills. The system greatly simplifies the talent, the player still leaves plenty of opportunities to develop their character as they wish.
For the new lovable panda stands during the wow gold game, but still a much more important question remains: I clasp me by the Horde or Alliance? After a few jobs in the starting area of the "Pandaren" we can decide on which side we beat ourselves. The introduction to the respective fraction is then sealed with a well-staged in-game video. From then on, we experience the same adventure, who probably has the most WoW players often. The well-known areas have not changed ie.
Pet collection possible
For players who like to collect more pets, there is a new very entertaining pastime. Animals such as frogs, snakes, and squirrels can namely recently caught. Pokémon would approve. Just like the Japanese model of the player with his pets to compete against wild animals. When the battle was successful, the animal gets experience points and can rise in the level. Thus it learns new attacks and gaining strength. If you feel strong enough, we can compete with other players and find out which pet is stronger. A nice pastime that brings a bit of variety in game.
"World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria" is without a doubt a successful addon been released in 2005 for the online role playing game. "Blizzard" has flat out to the players back to the feeling that they had been in the original game and the first expansion. The urge to discover a whole new continent, is developing rapidly. The people of the "Pandaren", together with the new home, brings Asian flair to games. The new class of "Monk," that each of the people to choose in WoW does, however somewhat conservative. The game mechanics is known in part by other classes and offers little innovation. "Mists of Pandaria" is one of the best extensions for "World of Warcraft", a fresh look at the online role-playing game is worthwhile in any case.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Gemstone Keep can be Are living - Price ranges, Facts & When you Offer Your current Nanny
Visiting throughout using your GW2 bill with the NCPPlatform-hosted Gemstore will help you prepare your financial situation to the future BWE#3 end of the week along with Guild Competitions only two Kick off.
Even as we in the past advised, getting just about any treasures using your bill throughout the last Beta can have you have a similar variety in Kick off.
You'll find number of brand-new goods, that is a new Cow Finisher (What does one accomplish, Cow Finisher? Precisely what!? ) gw2 gold along with Boxing Baseball gloves dress-up costume.
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The key part of data, on the other hand, will be the gemstone price ranges:
900 pertaining to €10. 00 1600 pertaining to €20. 00 2800 pertaining to €35. 00 four thousand pertaining to €50. 00 and the like...
Precisely what accomplish could? There isn't a scaling pertaining to acquiring throughout majority and even though Europeans shell out throughout Pounds, People in the usa could experience very good with regards to keeping the very same figures throughout UNITED STATES DOLLAR currency buy gw2 gold exchange. Brits shell out 7-8% over the remaining involving The european countries, obtaining his or her Gemstone keep stuck just using your Lb ..
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This information ended up being formerly posted throughout online community carefully thread: Gemstone Keep can be Are living - Price ranges, Facts & When you Offer Your current Nanny commenced by simply Lakvar Watch initial article.
Read More Here:
Treasure Retailer will be Stay : Rates, Information & In case you Promote The Granny
Signing inside along with your GW2 consideration on the NCPPlatform-hosted Gemstore will assist you to program finances for your approaching BWE#3 saturday and sunday and also Guild Battles a couple of Start.
Even as earlier educated, acquiring virtually any jewels along with your consideration over the past Beta could have you get the identical amount with Start.
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The main little bit of details, nonetheless, could be the treasure rates:
400 regarding gw2 gold €10. 00 1600 regarding €20. 00 2800 regarding €35. 00 4000 regarding €50. 00 etc...
Just what exactly carry out we realize? There's no running regarding getting inside volume although Europeans pay out inside Euros, Us citizens can easily sense excellent concerning obtaining the identical quantities inside USD forex. Brits pay out 7-8% greater than the others regarding The european union, possessing their particular Treasure retailer linked with the particular Single pound.
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This informative article has been at first printed inside community forum twine: Treasure Retailer will be Stay : Rates, Information & In case you Promote The Granny started out simply by Lakvar See authentic submit.
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Jewel Shop is actually Reside -- Costs, Particulars & In the event you Market Your own Grandmother
Working within together with your GW2 accounts in the NCPPlatform-hosted Gemstore will help you to strategy your money for that forthcoming BWE#3 weekend break as well as Guild Conflicts two Release.
Once we formerly knowledgeable, buying any kind of gemstones together with your accounts over the last Beta may have you obtain exactly the same quantity from Release.
You will find couple of brand new products, specifically the Cow Finisher (What would you perform, Cow Finisher? Exactly what!? ) as well as Boxing Mitts outfit.
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The most crucial bit of info, nevertheless, may be the jewel costs:
eight hundred with regard to €10. 00 1600 with regard to €20. 00 2800 with regard to €35. 00 four thousand with regard to €50. 00 and so forth...
What exactly perform we all know? There isn't any climbing with regard to purchasing within mass even though Europeans spend within Pounds, People in america may really feel great regarding getting the exact same amounts within UNITED STATES DOLLAR foreign currency. Brits spend 7-8% a lot more than the remainder associated with European countries, getting their own Jewel shop associated with the actual Lb.
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This short article had been initially released within discussion board line: Jewel Shop is actually Reside -- Costs, Particulars & In the event you Market Your own Grandmother began through Lakvar Look at unique publish.
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